Wednesday, March 5, 2014

peer review 2 partner 1

     English has established itself as the global language. What makes a language global? Why do we need one?  Why is English considered by many to be the global language? These are all really good questions. English has become the dominating language mainly because of the cultural influence of the United States and England. Although not the most widely spoken language, English is the global language because it improves intercultural and international communications, and it is the fastest growing in history.  

     English is not the most widely spoken language in the world, but it is the global language. More than 1.2 billion people are native speakers of Chinese, which makes it the most widely spoken language in the world. According to Wallraff, there are three times more native speakers of Chinese than there are native speakers of English.  What then makes English the global language? There are more speakers of Chinese than English; however, it is English they speak when talking across cultures and it is what they teach their children so that they can communicate in an ever increasing globalized world, making English the global language.  

     English is the fastest spreading language in history, whether it is spoken as a first or second language. It is the first language spoken by the majority of people in several sovereign states. It is the second language spoken in most other countries. There are more people that speak it as a second language than a first.  More people in Southeast Asia speak English than in the United States and the United Kingdom combined. Many more people are in the process of learning English than there are currently fluently speaking it, which is why it will remain the dominant global language. According to most scholars, one-fourth of the world's entire population can communicate in English in some fashion. That is a staggering 1.75 billion people. This is what makes a language global.

     We need a global language to improve intercultural communications.  When people travel, whether is is for a vacation or for business, being able to communicate is vital.  Traveling to foreign countries typically involves the use of an airport and once arriving at the chosen destination, taxis. The radio carries the sound of English through music to almost every part of the world.

     English dominates the world as no language ever has because of the influx of globalization and technology, improving international communications. Per Seth Mydans, "It is the common language in almost every endeavor, from science to air traffic control to the global jihad, where it is apparently the means of communication between speakers of Arabic and other languages". At call centers worldwide, which are considered per Mydans as "the emblem of globalized workplace", they speak English.  Several foreign companies use English in the workplace because much of their business is done via internet and other communications with the outside world. More and more multinational companies are mandating English as their corporate language in an attempt to facilitate communications and performance across geographically diverse business endeavors. For businesses to survive and thrive in a global economy, overcoming the language barrier is a must. Per Jeff Roy, in 75 countries English has special status, one-third of all books are published in it, two-thirds of scientists read it, and three-fourths of the world's mail and four-fifths of all electronic communications are written in it.

     The spoken and written word is a very important thing.  When we communicate, we need to know that we are understood.  It is imperative that we have a common language that simplifies our basic need to communicate as a whole as well as more specifically in the business world.  English provides us with this need to be understood.  As stated, it is not the most widely spoken language, it is however the most widely accepted.  Intercultural and international communications are improved by having a global language.  English continues to grow throughout the world, and will continue to do so as the leading global language, which brings us together as one.

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